The following patterns may be useful for determining if you have a problem with pornography.

Viewing/Seeking Patterns:

  • Seeking additional pornographic material regardless of what is already available.
  • Spending money consuming pornography regardless of its effects on our financial situation.
  • Collecting pornography in its various formats, no matter how much we have already obtained and currently possess.
  • Endlessly seeking the “perfect” material.

Addiction Patterns:

  • Viewing to escape feelings.
  • Spending more and more time seeking pornography without the ability to determine when to stop.
  • Hiding pornographic media - whether digital or physical - to ensure that we are never "found out."
  • Covering our digital tracks on our devices.
  • Isolating from friends and family.
  • Changing activities and plans to accommodate our active addiction.
  • Neglecting obligations, commitments and our own needs or the needs of others.
  • Needing pornography prior to or during sexual activity with a partner, or ourselves.
  • Going to physical viewing locations to obtain a fix.
  • Purging our computers, devices and homes of pornographic material after a binge.

Behavioral patterns:

  • Inability to sleep without viewing.
  • Having to view pornographic material prior to leaving our place of residence.
  • Viewing late at night so no one will notice.
  • Fantasizing about anonymous partners.
  • Inappropriate sexually oriented comments and jokes.
  • Losing interest in our sex life with our partners.

Justification/Low Self-esteem Patterns:

  • I could never get a date anyway.
  • No one likes me.
  • This is safer.
  • Who would like me, I am too _____ for anyone.
  • I am not enough of a _______ for anyone.

Denial Patterns:

  • "I’m not affecting anyone else, only me. I’m not hurting anyone.”
  • "It will be manageable this time."
  • "It's not that bad. I can stop whenever I want to."
  • "At least with pornography, I always get what I want."
  • "I get it whenever I want it."
  • "It's always there for me."
  • "I’m going to end up doing it sooner or later anyway."

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PAA Conference Approved Literature - September 2022