• We will accept ourselves for who we are.
  • We will accept others as they are.
  • We will always be“enough”as we are, while we continue to work The Twelve Steps and enlarge our spiritual lives.
  • Our outlook towards healthy relationships with others will develop and grow.
  • We will come to realize peace with ourselves and those around us.
  • We will have appropriate healthy, loving and intimate relationships.
  • We will know freedom, happiness and serenity.
  • We will be a part of the stream of life and not apart from our fellows.
  • We will begin to feel our emotions again and our emotions will no longer control our actions.
  • We will no longer be solely focused on ourselves.
  • We will realize that a higher power has been doing for us what we could not do for ourselves.
  • We will use our intuition guided by our higher power to handle difficult and seemingly impossible situations that in the past were bewildering.

Copyright 2024 Porn Addicts Anonymous - All Rights Reserved

Updated March 2024